This is the master page for the SOFA Library Issue 2007-08-10 for Fortran 77. From here you can find your way to all the resources comprising this Issue, including notes and source download pages.
Issue 2007-08-10 is the fourth release of the SOFA Library for Fortran 77, revised on 2007-8-28.
The complete SOFA Library source set is available in a single download bundle for Unix, Macintosh or Windows systems. This is the preferred method of obtaining the SOFA Library. The Fortran SOFA Library Issue 2007-08-10 is available to download in various formats.
Please note: Tarballs contain files with Unix line-terminations and Zip archives contain files with DOS line-terminations. Please download the appropriate file for your operating system.
The SOFA product documentation is available in Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) or plain ASCII text files to guarantee platform independence.The manual may be downloaded as a single file or in sections if you prefer.
Sections (in order):A cookbook (232763 bytes) explaining how to use the SOFA routines that address Earth attitude (precession-nutation, Earth rotation etc.) is available with this release.