This is the complete list of 248 routines for SOFA Library Issue 2023-10-11 for Fortran 77.
A2AF | — | Decompose radians into ° ' " | |
A2TF | — | Decompose radians into hms | |
AB | — | Apply stellar aberration | |
AE2HD | — | Transform azimuth and altitude to hour angle and declination | |
AF2A | — | Decompose ° ' " into radians | |
ANP | — | Normalize radians to range 0 to 2pi | |
ANPM | — | Normalize radians to range -pi to +pi | |
APCG | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> GCRS, geocentric, special | |
APCG13 | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> GCRS, geocentric | |
APCI | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, terrestrial, special | |
APCI13 | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, terrestrial | |
APCO | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> observed, terrestrial, special | |
APCO13 | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> observed, terrestrial | |
APCS | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, space, special | |
APCS13 | — | Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, space | |
APER | — | Insert ERA into context | |
APER13 | — | Update context for Earth rotation | |
APIO | — | Prepare for CIRS <-> observed, terrestrial, special | |
APIO13 | — | Prepare for CIRS <-> observed, terrestrial | |
ATCC13 | — | J2000.0 catalog ICRS -> astrometric ICRS | |
ATCCQ | — | Astrometric ICRS -> J2000.0 catalog ICRS | |
ATCI13 | — | Catalog -> CIRS | |
ATCIQ | — | Quick ICRS -> CIRS | |
ATCIQN | — | Quick ICRS -> CIRS, multiple deflections | |
ATCIQZ | — | Quick astrometric ICRS -> CIRS | |
ATCO13 | — | ICRS -> observed | |
ATIC13 | — | CIRS -> ICRS | |
ATICQ | — | Quick CIRS -> ICRS | |
ATICQN | — | Quick CIRS -> ICRS, multiple deflections | |
ATIO13 | — | CIRS -> observed | |
ATIOQ | — | Quick CIRS -> observed | |
ATOC13 | — | Observed -> astrometric ICRS | |
ATOI13 | — | Observed -> CIRS | |
ATOIQ | — | Quick observed -> CIRS | |
BI00 | — | Frame bias, ICRS to mean J2000, IAU 2000 | |
BP00 | — | Frame bias and precession matrices, IAU 2000 | |
BP06 | — | Frame bias and precession matrices, IAU 2006 precession | |
BPN2XY | — | CIP XY given Bias-precession-nutation matrix | |
C2I00A | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000A | |
C2I00B | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000B | |
C2I06A | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2006/2000A | |
C2IBPN | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given b-p-n | |
C2IXY | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP | |
C2IXYS | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP and s | |
C2S | — | Unit vector to spherical | |
C2T00A | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000A | |
C2T00B | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000B | |
C2T06A | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2006/2000A | |
C2TCEO | — | Former name of C2TCIO | |
C2TCIO | — | form CIO-based celestial-to-terrestrial matrix | |
C2TEQX | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, classical | |
C2TPE | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given nutation | |
C2TXY | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given CIP | |
CAL2JD | — | Gregorian Calendar to Julian Day Number | |
CP | — | Copy p-vector | |
CPV | — | Copy pv-vector | |
CR | — | Copy r-matrix | |
D2DTF | — | Julian Date to Civil Date | |
D2TF | — | Decompose days into hms | |
DAT | — | Delta(AT) (=TAI-UTC) for a given UTC date | |
DTDB | — | TDB-TT | |
DTF2D | — | Civil Date to Julian Date | |
ECEQ06 | — | Ecliptic coordinates to ICRS RA,Dec, using IAU 2006 precession model | |
ECM06 | — | ICRS equatorial to ecliptic rotation matrix, IAU 2006 | |
EE00 | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000 | |
EE00A | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000A | |
EE00B | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000B | |
EE06A | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2006/2000A | |
EECT00 | — | Equation of the equinoxes complementary terms | |
EFORM | — | a,f for a nominated Earth reference ellipsoid | |
EO06A | — | Equation of the origins, IAU 2006/2000A | |
EORS | — | Equation of the origins, given NPB matrix and s | |
EPB | — | Julian Date to Besselian Epoch | |
EPB2JD | — | Besselian Epoch to Julian Date | |
EPJ | — | Julian Date to Julian Epoch | |
EPJ2JD | — | Julian Epoch to Julian Date | |
EPV00 | — | Earth position and velocity | |
EQEC06 | — | ICRS equatorial coordinates to ecliptic coordinates using IAU 2006 precession model | |
EQEQ94 | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 1994 | |
ERA00 | — | Earth Rotation Angle, IAU 2000 | |
FAD03 | — | Mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun | |
FAE03 | — | Mean longitude of Earth | |
FAF03 | — | Mean longitude of the Moon minus mean longitude of the ascending node | |
FAJU03 | — | Mean longitude of Jupiter | |
FAL03 | — | Mean anomaly of the Moon | |
FALP03 | — | Mean anomaly of the Sun | |
FAMA03 | — | Mean longitude of Mars | |
FAME03 | — | Mean longitude of Mercury | |
FANE03 | — | Mean longitude of Neptune | |
FAOM03 | — | Mean longitude of the Moon's ascending node | |
FAPA03 | — | General accumulated precession in longitude | |
FASA03 | — | Mean longitude of Saturn | |
FAUR03 | — | Mean longitude of Uranus | |
FAVE03 | — | Mean longitude of Venus | |
FK425 | — | Convert B1950.0 FK4 star catalog data to J2000.0 FK5 | |
FK45Z | — | Convert a B1950.0 FK4 star position to J2000.0 FK5, assuming zero proper motion in the FK5 system | |
FK524 | — | Convert J2000.0 FK5 star catalog data to B1950.0 FK4 | |
FK52H | — | Transform FK5 star data into the Hipparcos frame | |
FK54Z | — | Convert a J2000.0 FK5 star position to B1950.0 FK4, assuming zero proper motion in FK5 system and zero parallax | |
FK5HIP | — | FK5 orientation and spin with respect to Hipparcos | |
FK5HZ | — | FK5 to Hipparcos assuming zero Hipparcos proper motion | |
FW2M | — | Fukushima-Williams angles to r-matrix | |
FW2XY | — | Fukushima-Williams angles to XY | |
G2ICRS | — | Transform IAU 1958 galactic coordinates to ICRS | |
GC2GD | — | Geocentric to geodetic transformation using a nominated ellipsoid | |
GC2GDE | — | Geocentric to geodetic transformation for ellipsoid given a,f | |
GD2GC | — | Geodetic to geocentric transformation using a nominated ellipsoid | |
GD2GCE | — | Geodetic to geocentric transformation for ellipsoid given a,f | |
GMST00 | — | Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, IAU 2000 | |
GMST06 | — | Greenwich mean sidereal time, IAU 2006 | |
GMST82 | — | Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, IAU 1982 | |
GST00A | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2000A | |
GST00B | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2000B | |
GST06 | — | Greenwich Apparent sidereal time, IAU 2006, given NPB matrix | |
GST06A | — | Greenwich Apparent sidereal time IAU 2006/2000A | |
GST94 | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 1994 | |
H2FK5 | — | Transform Hipparcos star data into the FK5 frame | |
HD2AE | — | Transform hour angle and declination to azimuth and altitude | |
HD2PA | — | Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination | |
HFK5Z | — | Hipparcos to FK5 assuming zero Hipparcos proper motion | |
ICRS2G | — | Transform ICRS coordinates to IAU 1958 galactic | |
IR | — | Initialize r-matrix to identity | |
JD2CAL | — | Julian Date to Gregorian year, month, day, fraction | |
JDCALF | — | Julian Date to Gregorian date for formatted output | |
LD | — | Light deflection by a single solar-system body | |
LDN | — | Light deflection by multiple solar-system bodies | |
LDSUN | — | Light deflection by the Sun | |
LTECEQ | — | Ecliptic coordinates to ICRS RA,Dec, using long-term precession model | |
LTECM | — | ICRS equatorial to ecliptic rotation matrix, long-term precession | |
LTEQEC | — | ICRS equatorial coordinates to ecliptic coordinates using long-term precession model | |
LTP | — | Long-term precession matrix | |
LTPB | — | Long-term precession matrix, including ICRS frame bias | |
LTPECL | — | Long-term precession of the ecliptic | |
LTPEQU | — | Long-term precession of the equator | |
MOON98 | — | Moon geocentric position and velocity | |
NUM00A | — | Nutation matrix, IAU 2000A | |
NUM00B | — | Nutation matrix, IAU 2000B | |
NUM06A | — | Nutation matrix, IAU 2006/2000A | |
NUMAT | — | Nutation matrix, generic | |
NUT00A | — | Nutation, IAU 2000A | |
NUT00B | — | Nutation, IAU 2000B | |
NUT06A | — | Nutation, IAU 2006/2000A | |
NUT80 | — | Nutation, IAU 1980 | |
NUTM80 | — | Nutation matrix, IAU 1980 | |
OBL06 | — | Mean obliquity, IAU 2006 | |
OBL80 | — | Mean obliquity, IAU 1980 | |
P06E | — | Precession angles, IAU 2006, equinox based | |
P2PV | — | Append zero velocity to p-vector | |
P2S | — | p-vector to spherical | |
PAP | — | Position angle from p-vectors | |
PAS | — | Position angle from spherical coordinates | |
PB06 | — | Zeta,z,theta precession angles, IAU 2006, including bias | |
PDP | — | Inner (=scalar=dot) product of two p-vectors | |
PFW06 | — | bias-precession Fukushima-Williams angles IAU 2006 | |
PLAN94 | — | Major-planet position and velocity | |
PM | — | Modulus of p-vector | |
PMAT00 | — | Precession matrix (including frame bias), IAU 2000 | |
PMAT06 | — | Precession bias matrix, IAU 2006 | |
PMAT76 | — | Precession matrix, IAU 1976 | |
PMP | — | p-vector minus p-vector | |
PMPX | — | Apply proper motion and parallax | |
PMSAFE | — | Apply proper motion, with zero-parallax precautions | |
PN | — | Normalize p-vector returning modulus | |
PN00 | — | b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000, given nutation | |
PN00A | — | b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000A | |
PN00B | — | b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000B | |
PN06 | — | Bias, precession, nutation results, IAU 2006 | |
PN06A | — | Bias, precession, nutation results, IAU 2006/2000A | |
PNM00A | — | Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2000A | |
PNM00B | — | Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2000B | |
PNM06A | — | Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A | |
PNM80 | — | Precession/nutation matrix, IAU 1976/1980 | |
POM00 | — | Polar-motion matrix, IAU 2000 | |
PPP | — | p-vector plus p-vector | |
PPSP | — | p-vector plus scaled p-vector | |
PR00 | — | Adjustments to IAU 1976 precession, IAU 2000 | |
PREC76 | — | Precession, IAU 1976 | |
PV2P | — | Discard velocity component of pv-vector | |
PV2S | — | pv-vector to spherical | |
PVDPV | — | Inner (=scalar=dot) product of two pv-vectors | |
PVM | — | Modulus of pv-vector | |
PVMPV | — | pv-vector minus pv-vector | |
PVPPV | — | pv-vector plus pv-vector | |
PVSTAR | — | Star position+velocity vector to catalog coordinates | |
PVTOB | — | Observatory position and velocity | |
PVU | — | Update pv-vector | |
PVUP | — | Update pv-vector discarding velocity | |
PVXPV | — | Outer (=vector=cross) product of two pv-vectors | |
PXP | — | Outer (=vector=cross) product of two p-vectors | |
REFCO | — | Refraction constants | |
RM2V | — | r-matrix to r-vector | |
RV2M | — | r-vector to r-matrix | |
RX | — | Rotate r-matrix about x | |
RXP | — | Product of r-matrix and p-vector | |
RXPV | — | Product of r-matrix and pv-vector | |
RXR | — | r-matrix multiply | |
RY | — | Rotate r-matrix about y | |
RZ | — | Rotate r-matrix about z | |
S00 | — | The CIO locator s, given X,Y, quantity s, IAU 2000A, | |
S00A | — | The CIO locator s, IAU 2000A | |
S00B | — | The CIO locator s, IAU 2000B | |
S06 | — | The CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006 | |
S06A | — | The CIO locator s, IAU 2006/2000A | |
S2C | — | Spherical to unit vector | |
S2P | — | Spherical to p-vector | |
S2PV | — | Spherical to pv-vector | |
S2XPV | — | Multiply pv-vector by two scalars | |
SEPP | — | Angular separation from p-vectors | |
SEPS | — | Angular separation from spherical coordinates | |
SP00 | — | The quantity s', IERS 2003 | |
STARPM | — | Proper motion between two epochs | |
STARPV | — | Star catalog coordinates to position+velocity vector | |
SXP | — | Multiply p-vector by scalar | |
SXPV | — | Multiply pv-vector by scalar | |
TAITT | — | Convert TAI to TT | |
TAIUT1 | — | Convert TAI to UT1 | |
TAIUTC | — | Convert TAI to UTC | |
TCBTDB | — | Convert TCB to TDB | |
TCGTT | — | Convert TCG to TT | |
TDBTCB | — | Convert TDB to TCB | |
TDBTT | — | Convert TDB to TT | |
TF2A | — | Decompose hms into radians | |
TF2D | — | Decompose hms into days | |
TPORS | — | Transform azimuth and altitude to hour angle and declination | |
TPORV | — | Transform hour angle and declination to azimuth and altitude | |
TPSTS | — | Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination | |
TPSTV | — | Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination | |
TPXES | — | Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination | |
TPXEV | — | Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination | |
TR | — | Transpose r-matrix | |
TRXP | — | Product of transpose of r-matrix and p-vector | |
TRXPV | — | Product of transpose of r-matrix and pv-vector | |
TTTAI | — | Convert TT to TAI | |
TTTCG | — | Convert TT to TCG | |
TTTDB | — | Convert TT to TDB | |
TTUT1 | — | Convert TT to UT1 | |
UTCTAI | — | Convert UTC to TAI | |
UTCUT1 | — | Convert UTC to UT1 | |
UT1TAI | — | Convert UT1 to TAI | |
UT1TT | — | Convert UT1 to TT | |
UT1UTC | — | Convert UT1 to UTC | |
XY06 | — | CIP, IAU 2006/2000A from series | |
XYS00A | — | CIP and s, IAU 2000A | |
XYS00B | — | CIP and s, IAU 2000B | |
XYS06A | — | CIP and s, IAU 2006/2000A | |
ZP | — | Zero p-vector | |
ZPV | — | Zero pv-vector | |
ZR | — | Initialize r-matrix to null |