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  Vector/Matrix Library - Operations on Vectors

This is the index page for the Operations on Vectors section of the Vector/Matrix Library for SOFA Library Issue 2023-10-11 for ANSI C. The Operations on Vectors section includes the following routines:

Operations involving p-vectors and r-matrices

Ppp p-vector plus p-vector
Pmp p-vector minus p-vector
Ppsp p-vector plus scaled p-vector
Pdp Inner (=scalar=dot) product of two p-vectors
Pxp Outer (=vector=cross) product of two p-vectors
Pm Modulus of p-vector
Pn Normalize p-vector returning modulus
Sxp Multiply p-vector by scalar

Operations involving pv-vectors

Pvppv pv-vector plus pv-vector
Pvmpv pv-vector minus pv-vector
Pvdpv Inner (=scalar=dot) product of two pv-vectors
Pvxpv Outer (=vector=cross) product of two pv-vectors
Pvm Modulus of pv-vector
Sxpv Multiply pv-vector by scalar
S2xpv Multiply pv-vector by two scalars
Pvu Update pv-vector
Pvup Update pv-vector discarding velocity
@ IAU SOFA Center
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Last modified: 2023 October 08