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  Astronomy Library - Precession/Nutation/Polar Motion

This is the index page for the Precession/Nutation/Polar Motion section of the Astronomy Library for SOFA Library Issue 2023-10-11 for ANSI C. The Precession/Nutation/Polar Motion section includes the following routines:

Bi00 Frame bias components, IAU 2000
Bp00 Frame bias and precession matrices, IAU 2000
Bp06 Frame bias and precession matrices, IAU 2006
Bpn2xy CIP XY given Bias-precession-nutation matrix
C2i00a Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000A
C2i00b Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000B
C2i06a Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
C2ibpn Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given B-P-N
C2ixy Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP
C2ixys Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP and s
C2t00a Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000A
C2t00b Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000B
C2t06a Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
C2tcio Form CIO-based Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix
C2teqx Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, classical
C2tpe Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given nutation
C2txy Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given CIP
Eo06a Equation of the origins, IAU 2006/2000A
Eors Equation of the origins, given NPB matrix and s
Fw2m Fukushima-Williams angles to r-matrix
Fw2xy Fukushima-Williams angles to X,Y
Ltp Long-term precession matrix
Ltpb Long-term precession matrix, including ICRS frame bias
Ltpecl Long-term precession of the ecliptic
Ltpequ Long-term precession of the equator
Num00a Nutation matrix, IAU 2000A
Num00b Nutation matrix, IAU 2000B
Num06a Nutation matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
Numat Nutation matrix, generic
Nut00a Nutation, IAU 2000A
Nut00b Nutation, IAU 2000B
Nut06a Nutation, IAU 2006/2000A
Nut80 Nutation, IAU 1980
Nutm80 Nutation matrix, IAU 1980
Obl06 Mean obliquity, IAU 2006
Obl80 Mean obliquity, IAU 1980
Pb06 Zeta, z, theta precession angles, IAU 2006, including bias
Pfw06 Bias-precession Fukushima-Williams angles, IAU 2006
Pmat00 Precession matrix (including frame bias), IAU 2000
Pmat06 Precession matrix (including frame bias), IAU 2006
Pmat76 Precession matrix, IAU 1976
Pn00 B,P,N matrices, IAU 2000, given nutation
Pn00a B,P,N matrices, IAU 2000A
Pn00b B,P,N matrices, IAU 2000B
Pn06 Bias precession nutation results, IAU 2006
Pn06a Bias precession nutation results, IAU 2006/2000A
Pnm00a Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2000A
Pnm00b Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2000B
Pnm06a Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
Pnm80 Precession/nutation matrix, IAU 1976/1980
P06e Precession angles, IAU 2006, equinox based
Pom00 Polar-motion matrix, IAU 2000
Pr00 Adjustments to IAU 1976 precession, IAU 2000
Prec76 Precession, IAU 1976
S00 The CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2000
S00a The CIO locator s, IAU 2000A
S00b The CIO locator s, IAU 2000B
S06 The CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
S06a The CIO locator s, IAU 2006/2000A
Sp00 The TIO locator s', IERS 2003
Xy06 CIP, IAU 2006/2000A, from series
Xys00a CIP and s, IAU 2000A
Xys00b CIP and s, IAU 2000B
Xys06a CIP and s, IAU 2006/2000A
@ IAU SOFA Center
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Last modified: 2023 October 08