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  Astronomy Library - Fundamental Arguments

This is the index page for the Fundamental Arguments section of the Astronomy Library for SOFA Library Issue 2023-10-11 for ANSI C. The Fundamental Arguments section includes the following routines:

Fad03 Mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun
Fae03 Mean longitude of the Earth
Faf03 Mean longitude of the Moon minus mean longitude of the ascending node
Faju03 Mean longitude of Jupiter
Fal03 Mean anomaly of the Moon
Falp03 Mean anomaly of the Sun
Fama03 Mean longitude of Mars
Fame03 Mean longitude of Mercury
Fane03 Mean longitude of Neptune
Faom03 Mean longitude of the Moon's ascending node
Fapa03 General accumulated precession in longitude
Fasa03 Mean longitude of Saturn
Faur03 Mean longitude of Uranus
Fave03 Mean longitude of Venus
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Last modified: 2023 October 08