This is the index page for the Earth Rotation and Sidereal Time section of the Astronomy Library for SOFA Library Issue 2021-05-12 for Fortran 77. The Earth Rotation and Sidereal Time section includes the following routines:
EE00 | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000 |
EE00A | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000A |
EE00B | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000B |
EE06A | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2006/2000A |
EECT00 | — | Equation of the equinoxes complementary terms |
EQEQ94 | — | Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 1994 |
ERA00 | — | Earth Rotation Angle, IAU 2000 |
GMST00 | — | Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, IAU 2000 |
GMST06 | — | Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, IAU 2006 |
GMST82 | — | Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, IAU 1982 |
GST00A | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2000A |
GST00B | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2000B |
GST06 | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2006 given NPB matrix |
GST06A | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2006/2000A |
GST94 | — | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 1994 |