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  Complete List of Routines

This is the complete list of 248 routines for SOFA Library Issue 2021-05-12 for Fortran 77.

A2AF Decompose radians into ° ' "
A2TF Decompose radians into hms
AB Apply stellar aberration
AE2HD Transform azimuth and altitude to hour angle and declination
AF2A Decompose ° ' " into radians
ANP Normalize radians to range 0 to 2pi
ANPM Normalize radians to range -pi to +pi
APCG Prepare for ICRS <-> GCRS, geocentric, special
APCG13 Prepare for ICRS <-> GCRS, geocentric
APCI Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, terrestrial, special
APCI13 Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, terrestrial
APCO Prepare for ICRS <-> observed, terrestrial, special
APCO13 Prepare for ICRS <-> observed, terrestrial
APCS Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, space, special
APCS13 Prepare for ICRS <-> CIRS, space
APER Insert ERA into context
APER13 Update context for Earth rotation
APIO Prepare for CIRS <-> observed, terrestrial, special
APIO13 Prepare for CIRS <-> observed, terrestrial
ATCC13 J2000.0 catalog ICRS -> astrometric ICRS
ATCCQ Astrometric ICRS -> J2000.0 catalog ICRS
ATCI13 Catalog -> CIRS
ATCIQN Quick ICRS -> CIRS, multiple deflections
ATCIQZ Quick astrometric ICRS -> CIRS
ATCO13 ICRS -> observed
ATICQN Quick CIRS -> ICRS, multiple deflections
ATIO13 CIRS -> observed
ATIOQ Quick CIRS -> observed
ATOC13 Observed -> astrometric ICRS
ATOI13 Observed -> CIRS
ATOIQ Quick observed -> CIRS
BI00 Frame bias, ICRS to mean J2000, IAU 2000
BP00 Frame bias and precession matrices, IAU 2000
BP06 Frame bias and precession matrices, IAU 2006 precession
BPN2XY CIP XY given Bias-precession-nutation matrix
C2I00A Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000A
C2I00B Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000B
C2I06A Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
C2IBPN Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given b-p-n
C2IXY Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP
C2IXYS Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP and s
C2S Unit vector to spherical
C2T00A Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000A
C2T00B Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000B
C2T06A Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
C2TCEO Former name of C2TCIO
C2TCIO form CIO-based celestial-to-terrestrial matrix
C2TEQX Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, classical
C2TPE Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given nutation
C2TXY Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given CIP
CAL2JD Gregorian Calendar to Julian Day Number
CP Copy p-vector
CPV Copy pv-vector
CR Copy r-matrix
D2DTF Julian Date to Civil Date
D2TF Decompose days into hms
DAT Delta(AT) (=TAI-UTC) for a given UTC date
DTF2D Civil Date to Julian Date
ECEQ06 Ecliptic coordinates to ICRS RA,Dec, using IAU 2006 precession model
ECM06 ICRS equatorial to ecliptic rotation matrix, IAU 2006
EE00 Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000
EE00A Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000A
EE00B Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2000B
EE06A Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 2006/2000A
EECT00 Equation of the equinoxes complementary terms
EFORM a,f for a nominated Earth reference ellipsoid
EO06A Equation of the origins, IAU 2006/2000A
EORS Equation of the origins, given NPB matrix and s
EPB Julian Date to Besselian Epoch
EPB2JD Besselian Epoch to Julian Date
EPJ Julian Date to Julian Epoch
EPJ2JD Julian Epoch to Julian Date
EPV00 Earth position and velocity
EQEC06 ICRS equatorial coordinates to ecliptic coordinates using IAU 2006 precession model
EQEQ94 Equation of the equinoxes, IAU 1994
ERA00 Earth Rotation Angle, IAU 2000
FAD03 Mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun
FAE03 Mean longitude of Earth
FAF03 Mean longitude of the Moon minus mean longitude of the ascending node
FAJU03 Mean longitude of Jupiter
FAL03 Mean anomaly of the Moon
FALP03 Mean anomaly of the Sun
FAMA03 Mean longitude of Mars
FAME03 Mean longitude of Mercury
FANE03 Mean longitude of Neptune
FAOM03 Mean longitude of the Moon's ascending node
FAPA03 General accumulated precession in longitude
FASA03 Mean longitude of Saturn
FAUR03 Mean longitude of Uranus
FAVE03 Mean longitude of Venus
FK425 Convert B1950.0 FK4 star catalog data to J2000.0 FK5
FK45Z Convert a B1950.0 FK4 star position to J2000.0 FK5, assuming zero proper motion in the FK5 system
FK524 Convert J2000.0 FK5 star catalog data to B1950.0 FK4
FK52H Transform FK5 star data into the Hipparcos frame
FK54Z Convert a J2000.0 FK5 star position to B1950.0 FK4, assuming zero proper motion in FK5 system and zero parallax
FK5HIP FK5 orientation and spin with respect to Hipparcos
FK5HZ FK5 to Hipparcos assuming zero Hipparcos proper motion
FW2M Fukushima-Williams angles to r-matrix
FW2XY Fukushima-Williams angles to XY
G2ICRS Transform IAU 1958 galactic coordinates to ICRS
GC2GD Geocentric to geodetic transformation using a nominated ellipsoid
GC2GDE Geocentric to geodetic transformation for ellipsoid given a,f
GD2GC Geodetic to geocentric transformation using a nominated ellipsoid
GD2GCE Geodetic to geocentric transformation for ellipsoid given a,f
GMST00 Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, IAU 2000
GMST06 Greenwich mean sidereal time, IAU 2006
GMST82 Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, IAU 1982
GST00A Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2000A
GST00B Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 2000B
GST06 Greenwich Apparent sidereal time, IAU 2006, given NPB matrix
GST06A Greenwich Apparent sidereal time IAU 2006/2000A
GST94 Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, IAU 1994
H2FK5 Transform Hipparcos star data into the FK5 frame
HD2AE Transform hour angle and declination to azimuth and altitude
HD2PA Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination
HFK5Z Hipparcos to FK5 assuming zero Hipparcos proper motion
ICRS2G Transform ICRS coordinates to IAU 1958 galactic
IR Initialize r-matrix to identity
JD2CAL Julian Date to Gregorian year, month, day, fraction
JDCALF Julian Date to Gregorian date for formatted output
LD Light deflection by a single solar-system body
LDN Light deflection by multiple solar-system bodies
LDSUN Light deflection by the Sun
LTECEQ Ecliptic coordinates to ICRS RA,Dec, using long-term precession model
LTECM ICRS equatorial to ecliptic rotation matrix, long-term precession
LTEQEC ICRS equatorial coordinates to ecliptic coordinates using long-term precession model
LTP Long-term precession matrix
LTPB Long-term precession matrix, including ICRS frame bias
LTPECL Long-term precession of the ecliptic
LTPEQU Long-term precession of the equator
MOON98 Moon geocentric position and velocity
NUM00A Nutation matrix, IAU 2000A
NUM00B Nutation matrix, IAU 2000B
NUM06A Nutation matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
NUMAT Nutation matrix, generic
NUT00A Nutation, IAU 2000A
NUT00B Nutation, IAU 2000B
NUT06A Nutation, IAU 2006/2000A
NUT80 Nutation, IAU 1980
NUTM80 Nutation matrix, IAU 1980
OBL06 Mean obliquity, IAU 2006
OBL80 Mean obliquity, IAU 1980
P06E Precession angles, IAU 2006, equinox based
P2PV Append zero velocity to p-vector
P2S p-vector to spherical
PAP Position angle from p-vectors
PAS Position angle from spherical coordinates
PB06 Zeta,z,theta precession angles, IAU 2006, including bias
PDP Inner (=scalar=dot) product of two p-vectors
PFW06 bias-precession Fukushima-Williams angles IAU 2006
PLAN94 Major-planet position and velocity
PM Modulus of p-vector
PMAT00 Precession matrix (including frame bias), IAU 2000
PMAT06 Precession bias matrix, IAU 2006
PMAT76 Precession matrix, IAU 1976
PMP p-vector minus p-vector
PMPX Apply proper motion and parallax
PMSAFE Apply proper motion, with zero-parallax precautions
PN Normalize p-vector returning modulus
PN00 b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000, given nutation
PN00A b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000A
PN00B b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000B
PN06 Bias, precession, nutation results, IAU 2006
PN06A Bias, precession, nutation results, IAU 2006/2000A
PNM00A Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2000A
PNM00B Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2000B
PNM06A Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
PNM80 Precession/nutation matrix, IAU 1976/1980
POM00 Polar-motion matrix, IAU 2000
PPP p-vector plus p-vector
PPSP p-vector plus scaled p-vector
PR00 Adjustments to IAU 1976 precession, IAU 2000
PREC76 Precession, IAU 1976
PV2P Discard velocity component of pv-vector
PV2S pv-vector to spherical
PVDPV Inner (=scalar=dot) product of two pv-vectors
PVM Modulus of pv-vector
PVMPV pv-vector minus pv-vector
PVPPV pv-vector plus pv-vector
PVSTAR Star position+velocity vector to catalog coordinates
PVTOB Observatory position and velocity
PVU Update pv-vector
PVUP Update pv-vector discarding velocity
PVXPV Outer (=vector=cross) product of two pv-vectors
PXP Outer (=vector=cross) product of two p-vectors
REFCO Refraction constants
RM2V r-matrix to r-vector
RV2M r-vector to r-matrix
RX Rotate r-matrix about x
RXP Product of r-matrix and p-vector
RXPV Product of r-matrix and pv-vector
RXR r-matrix multiply
RY Rotate r-matrix about y
RZ Rotate r-matrix about z
S00 The CIO locator s, given X,Y, quantity s, IAU 2000A,
S00A The CIO locator s, IAU 2000A
S00B The CIO locator s, IAU 2000B
S06 The CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
S06A The CIO locator s, IAU 2006/2000A
S2C Spherical to unit vector
S2P Spherical to p-vector
S2PV Spherical to pv-vector
S2XPV Multiply pv-vector by two scalars
SEPP Angular separation from p-vectors
SEPS Angular separation from spherical coordinates
SP00 The quantity s', IERS 2003
STARPM Proper motion between two epochs
STARPV Star catalog coordinates to position+velocity vector
SXP Multiply p-vector by scalar
SXPV Multiply pv-vector by scalar
TAITT Convert TAI to TT
TAIUT1 Convert TAI to UT1
TCGTT Convert TCG to TT
TDBTT Convert TDB to TT
TF2A Decompose hms into radians
TF2D Decompose hms into days
TPORS Transform azimuth and altitude to hour angle and declination
TPORV Transform hour angle and declination to azimuth and altitude
TPSTS Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination
TPSTV Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination
TPXES Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination
TPXEV Parallactic angle for a given hour angle and declination
TR Transpose r-matrix
TRXP Product of transpose of r-matrix and p-vector
TRXPV Product of transpose of r-matrix and pv-vector
TTTAI Convert TT to TAI
TTTCG Convert TT to TCG
TTTDB Convert TT to TDB
TTUT1 Convert TT to UT1
UTCUT1 Convert UTC to UT1
UT1TAI Convert UT1 to TAI
UT1TT Convert UT1 to TT
UT1UTC Convert UT1 to UTC
XY06 CIP, IAU 2006/2000A from series
XYS00A CIP and s, IAU 2000A
XYS00B CIP and s, IAU 2000B
XYS06A CIP and s, IAU 2006/2000A
ZP Zero p-vector
ZPV Zero pv-vector
ZR Initialize r-matrix to null
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Last modified: 2021 May 10