This is the index page for the Precession/Nutation/Polar Motion section of the Astronomy Library for SOFA Library Issue 2003-04-29 for Fortran 77. The Precession/Nutation/Polar Motion section includes the following routines:
BI00 | — | Frame bias, ICRS to mean J2000, IAU 2000 |
BP00 | — | Frame bias and precession matrices, IAU 2000 |
BPN2XY | — | Bias-precession-nutation matrix given CIP |
C2I00A | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000A |
C2I00B | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix, IAU 2000B |
C2IBPN | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given b-p-n |
C2IXY | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP |
C2IXYS | — | Celestial-to-intermediate matrix given CIP and s |
C2T00A | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000A |
C2T00B | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, IAU 2000B |
C2TCEO | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, CEO-based |
C2TEQX | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix, classical |
C2TPE | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given nutation |
C2TXY | — | Celestial-to-terrestrial matrix given CIP |
NUM00A | — | Nutation matrix, IAU 2000A |
NUM00B | — | Nutation matrix, IAU 2000B |
NUMAT | — | Nutation matrix, generic |
NUT00A | — | Nutation, IAU 2000A |
NUT00B | — | Nutation, IAU 2000B |
NUT80 | — | Nutation, IAU 1980 |
NUTM80 | — | Nutation matrix, IAU 1980 |
OBL80 | — | Mean obliquity, IAU 1980 |
PMAT00 | — | Precession matrix (including frame bias), IAU 2000 |
PMAT76 | — | Precession matrix, IAU 1976 |
PN00 | — | b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000, given nutation |
PN00A | — | b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000A |
PN00B | — | b,p,n matrices, IAU 2000B |
PNM00A | — | Classical-to-true, (b-p-n) matrix, IAU 2000A |
PNM00B | — | Classical-to-true, (b-p-n) matrix, IAU 2000B |
PNM80 | — | Precession/nutation matrix, IAU 1976/1980 |
POM00 | — | Polar-motion matrix, IAU 2000 |
PR00 | — | Adjustments to IAU 1976 precession, IAU 2000 |
PREC76 | — | Precession, IAU 1976 |
S00 | — | The quantity s, IAU 2000, given CIP |
S00A | — | The quantity s, IAU 2000A |
S00B | — | The quantity s, IAU 2000B |
SP00 | — | The quantity s', IERS 2000 |
XYS00A | — | CIP and s, IAU 2000A |
XYS00B | — | CIP and s, IAU 2000B |